Payday loans don’t have a great reputation, even in areas where they are highly regulated. This is due to, unfortunately, lack of responsible lending practices for the majority of their existence. At, we’re often fighting the battle of proving that you can indeed get a payday loan from a reputable & financially responsible […]
The New Collection & Debt Settlement Services Act
In January of this year, it was announced that the law which managed debt settlement services in Ontario (providers or firms who negotiate settlements with a debtor’s creditor) would change significantly in July. Some have seen these changes as a positive thing, as the change in the law will allow these debt settlement providers to […]
Understanding the TFSA Withdrawal Rule
If you’re using, or interested in setting up, a TFSA (tax free savings account) you probably are interested in making the most of your savings. Just recently, the federal government doubled the amount you can put into your TSFA, from $5,000 to $10,000! However, upon digging around the wonderful world of the web, we realized […]
Getting a Loan from GoDay vs Other Lenders
The world of payday loans in Canada is different depending on which province you’re in, which company you’re dealing with and whether or not you’re choosing to apply for a payday loan online, or go into a retail store. However, there are some fundamental similarities between direct lenders (which are very different than indirect […]
Payday Loan Rules To Know
Canadian provinces offer some of the best payday loan regulations in the world. Though some provinces are currently working on implementing them for the first time, others like Ontario & British Columbia are paving the road to safer interactions, capped fees & other protections for consumers and lenders alike. What Should I Know Before Getting […]
5 Ways To Make Your Paycheque Last Longer
Consider this “5 Ways To Make Your Paycheque Last Longer” list more of a “budget overhaul” list than anything else! Are there ways you can tweak your spending to save you a little extra money between paycheques? Something minor might not seem worth it, but since a lot of Canadians are paid bi-weekly, even […]
Payday Loan Update: Hamilton, ON In The News
Payday loans are making headlines in Hamilton, ON, which also happens to be the city that HQ’s the Canadian Payday Loan Association. Hamilton is making the news recently as it could become the very first city in Ontario to regulate payday loan retail stores at a municipal level. The reason? City councillors think that […]
Bad Spending Habits You Need To Break – Part 2
Are any of these bad spending habits familiar? Kick them in the bud early and your wallet will be happy. 1. Using your credit card for every day purchases Unless you have financial control of steel, avoid using your credit card for your every day purchases like gas and groceries. We say “unless”, because […]
How You Can Use Your Payday Loan
A while back, we suggested that payday loans can be used to save you money in certain circumstances, like with incredible discounted deals that have a time limit, or huge sales on travel tickets. But, these are generally limited opportunities with a very specific time frame. While payday loans are the perfect answer to these […]
Bad Spending Habits You Need To Break – Part 1
Late last year, we published an infographic to help you identify “spending problems” that may have creeped (or full-on barged) their way into your financial life. They ranged from the small and insidious “urge to buy” to the completely debilitating fear of needing to “keep up with the Jones’”. Hopefully, if you identified your behaviours […]