When it comes to making New Year’s resolutions, do you take your finances into consideration? If not- you should. Setting goals around your money and finances are more common than you would think. It doesn’t have to be something drastic either, but things like set a budget for yourself, learning how to invest or investing […]
Common Money Mistakes & How To Fix Them
We all make bad financial decisions. We’ve all overspent one month, splurged and bought that thing we always wanted and didn’t need, got ourselves too far deep and had to dig ourselves out. You know the feeling. However, trying to prepare and avoid these money mistakes is easier than one may think. Sure, the unexpected […]
Make Your Money Work For You
We always want what we can’t have, and even though they say money can’t buy happiness, it’s hard to think otherwise when everything you feel you want to do and need in life has a dollar sign in front of it. But putting your money to work for you can put you on the path […]
Getting the Most Out Of Your Credit Card
Move over cash, you are no longer king. And as technology continues to advance, we have moved from signatures to swiping, inserting, tapping and even facial or fingerprint recognition on a mobile device to make payments and accessing funds. Take a look at GoDay and how our payday loans work, we are completely online and […]
Are You Financially Prepared For The Unexpected?
Every year, a large proportion of Canadians face an unplanned emergency expense. And when those unplanned expenses come, do you have the savings set aside to ensure you can make all your payments? When it comes to making sure all your bills get paid and you’re not maxing out on all forms of payment methods, […]
Knowing Your Financial Priorities
Do you have money goals? Most people do. Or at least have something they hope to achieve one day like buying a house, a new car, or going on that bucket list trip. However, the bigger question is if you are keeping track? We are always looking for ways to help you save more money […]
Making Sustainable Money Decisions
One of the major misconceptions about going green and making more environmentally friendly choices, is that it’s going to cost you an arm and a leg. In fact, PR Newswire did a study that stated four out of five consumers think environmentally friendly items are more expensive than non-green products. Yes, with environmentalists like Greta […]
Do You Need a Lesson In Money?
Do you have money goals? Or are you finding that you are struggling to keep track? Here at GoDay we are all always looking for ways to help you save more money but the question is – what are you willing to do to put your financial future first? We also understand that life happens. Expenses […]
Recovering From Credit Card Shock
Cha-ching. Is it just us, or is all you hear dollar signs every time you pay with your credit card? And let’s face it, we all dread that time of the month- when your bills start rolling in. And once you take a look at your bill and see where all the charges have added up then […]
How to Budget for the First Time
Budgeting can be stressful for a lot of people. So stressful in fact that many people just don’t do it. Creating a budget for the first time can be daunting, especially when you don’t really know where to start. However, if you’re like most of us, you’ve probably felt stressed about your finances at some […]