The Costs of “FOMO”

Do you suffer from “FOMO” or the “Fear Of Missing Out”? This is something very common, because who wants to be the person missing out on something fun? What you don’t realize is that these events and decisions can often lead to or have financial implications. Especially in the age of social media when you’re […]

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It’s Official! Money Can Buy Happiness

Have you heard the saying, “money can’t buy happiness”? Well, new research is now saying otherwise. According to a study from University of British Columbia and Harvard Business School, that was recently published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, has found buying time makes people happier than buying material things. Global […]

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Small Things To Give Up If You Want To Save More

We’re all always looking to save more money, but when it comes down to it, what are you willing to sacrifice to save? We’ve become accustom to some of these things that we think we “need” them because we’ve had them for so long, when really it’s more of a “want” and would be just […]

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The Costs Of Getting Married

Wedding season is upon us! Global News did a feature piece on the costs that come with getting married and on average a wedding will cost you approximately $30,000 US. Wedding Bells magazine did a Canadian survey and found that in 2015 Canadian couples would spend $30,717 on a wedding that included the honeymoon. Needless to say, […]

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