Payday Loans Are Being Used For More Necessary Expenses


What do you use your short-term payday loan for? We never ask these questions in our applications process, but we do get a lot of feedback and reviews from our customers. And this feedback is usually related to why people are using GoDay and the services we offer.

So what are the payday loans we issue being used for? It is becoming more evident that people are in need of help financially in the case of emergency situations, big events such as back to school or the holiday season, and for financial help to make it to payday.

MoneySense Magazine recently issued an article that talks about how half of working Canadians are living paycheck to paycheck. Are you one of these Canadians? While 39% of the surveyed recipients said they are “overwhelmed” by their debt, the Canadian Payroll Association found that 48 per cent of respondents said they rely on each payday to cover their bills states MoneySense Magazine.

It’s statistics like these that could be why we are seeing an increase in short term loans for necessary expenses. Things like specific events such as graduation or big purchase spending pop up and if Canadians are living paycheck to paycheck, they’re not creating a form of savings for the future or have any form of emergency fund in place.

So at what point should you consider a payday loan for necessary expenses? Are you feeling financially stressed? Are you missing bill payments? Not knowing where your paycheck is going? Going into over draught? It’s situations like these where GoDay can come to the rescue. With GoDay, we’re here to help relieve the financial burden not, add to it. A loan with us means what you see is what you get. There are no hidden fees, which means you won’t have any financial surprises when it comes time to pay your loan. This makes getting financially back on track easier no matter your financial situation.

Life happens and there are times you may not be financially prepared for them. And that’s okay. We always recommend keeping a spending journal or a personalized budget so you are aware of your finances and can see where your money is going. This will help with these everyday necessities that tend to add up quickly.

So if you find yourself falling short from time to time, GoDay is here to help. With our online application taking minutes to complete, you will know immediately if you’ve been approved for a loan and can start to be more comfortable with getting your finances back on track.

Have you had to use a short term payday loan for necessary expenses before?

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