Tips On Managing A Successful Budget- Part Two

Tips On Managing A Successful Budget- Part Two

We’ve already brought you part one of how to get started managing a successful budget, we are now giving you part two to add more tips to that list. We’re all about smart money here at GoDay, so we have come up with a few more tips to help you manage a successful budget.

Thirty Day Window:

Most people manage their budget based off their bills and when they are due. Like we mentioned, tracking your spending for what’s coming in and out is a good way to start this. But because most bills and payments come in and out once a month, people only budget for this thirty-day window or budget strictly off the amount of their paycheck. It’s also very common for those to overspend early in the month and come up short at the end of the month. That’s why we recommend keeping a spending journal, to see exactly where your money is going to manage your funds better so this doesn’t happen every month.

Thirty Day Window - Calendar

Photograph via Pixabay

Paying For Everything Else:

It’s also good to see outside that thirty-day window, as things like vacations or emergencies can come up and being financially prepared for those things don’t usually fall within the monthly budget. But there are other things that can strain your budget and everyone’s budget is different, so making sure you are saving properly and planning for the long term can be beneficial. Remember that Christmas comes at the same time every year, so it is being financially prepared for everything in life that will help keep you out of debt and keep you budget balanced. This leads us to our next tip, of always being aware and reviewing your budget.

Credit Card

Photograph via Pixabay


No matter how big or small the budget, there can always be changes made. Constantly reviewing your budget will give you opportunities to make cut backs or give yourself a little slack where need be. Expenses are constantly changing and the more on track, you become with your money, the more opportunities you will have to review your budget and contribute funds where they need to go. Remember that you can always reach out to your financial advisor as this is what they are there for; they are trained to help you budget and review your financials with you. It’s also good to have a professional take a look as they may find something you could have missed in your planning.

Bank Signage

Photograph via Flickr

How do you keep your budget on track? Let us know in the comment section below.

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