Are You Back To School Ready?


When it comes to back to school season, it can be a stressful time for both students and parents for many different reasons including financially. No matter what age or grade a student is going into, school expenses can be costly. That’s why we’ve rounded up our favourite back to school tips to make sure this back to school season is a smooth one for all!

Set a Budget

This back to school season, don’t get financially stressed. It’s no surprise that everything from tuition to supplies will start to add up quickly.  That’s why having a back to school budget in place will help you save money and prevent from overspending this back to school season. Many schools will provide you with a list of the things your students will need for the year and that is a great starting point for creating your budget. We’ve previously written about how to save this back to school season, so make sure when you’re creating your budget to look for opportunities to save and see your money go further.

Skip the Shopping Spree

New clothes, shoes, supplies, tech, and everything in between, the list goes on. But are all these “back to school essentials” really needed? What did your students use last year? Are there any materials or supplies around home that you can use for the first few weeks to see what items are really needed? Retailers hype up the back to school season with the newest and latest gadgets and goods as if these things are a must for back to school. If you can skip the back to school shopping spree you will be doing yourself a favour since all of these same items will be going on sale not long after school begins.

Lunch Time and Snacks

One of the main expenses parents forget to budget for when it comes to back to school is groceries. That’s right, time to get those lunches packed and snacks ready to go! Your grocery list is about to change since you will need to get back into a routine and this is where you will find yourself running out of time. It’s back to school season where you can really see the financial benefits of buying in bulk as well. Do yourself a favour and meal prep on Sunday nights before the week starts and have things already sorted, prepped and ready to go for the week so you don’t get overwhelmed by the back to school rush.

Are you back to school ready? Let us know your tips in the comment section below.

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