Short Term Loans | Last week we had a short intro into Pinterest for those who are unfamiliar with the platform. For those of you who skipped that step, welcome! We’re about to embark on a money-saving, waste-preventing journey together. At least for the next two weeks. Budget Resources If Pinterest is known for […]
How To Use Pinterest To Spend Less – Part 1
Payday Loans Online | If you’re not yet familiar with the booming image sharing site, we highly recommend becoming acquainted with Pinterest. With a humble beginning in 2010, this social media tool has exploded to over 10 million unique site visits a month. Individuals make up the bulk of Pinterest users, curating pictures that […]
Infamous Payday Loan Fine Print
No one likes fine-print, but in the payday loan industry, those small pixels get more careful criticism … or they should. A good consumer is an informed consumer, and an informed consumer is generally a happy consumer. Never avoid reading the fine-print on anything, especially when applying for credit of any sort. So, without further […]
Building An Emergency Fund On a Tight Budget
Payday Loans Online | If you’re living paycheque to paycheque, you’re not alone – over 40% of Canadians say they would be in financial hot water if they missed their pay by a week, according to the Canadian Payroll Association. Putting aside the recommended six months of living expenses is difficult for most people, […]
Solid Financial Advice From Our Grandparents
Some sage wisdom is generally passed down throughout every generation, much of which is financial advice. It’s impossible to deny that our upbringing and environment largely helps to shape our attitudes about money and all it entails; budgeting, saving & debt. But what key pieces of advice have really proven to be sound, despite the […]
Payday Loans: A Canadian & US Comparison
The payday loan industry in both these great nations is enormous, much bigger than most people realize. With the changing economy, consumers are looking for alternative lending options to help bridge their cash-flow shortages, whether they were foreseeable or not. The industry gets a lot of flack, too, for being “predatory”, targeting income brackets that […]
How To Save Money At Starbucks
Payday Loans | While we would definitely recommend ceasing (or, at the very least, limiting) daily coffee shop stops if you’re trying to cut back on debt, we understand that giving up the morning brew ritual might make you more miserable than saving the money. If your morning java run (or multiple daily […]
How To Order Your Credit Report For Free
Short Term Loans | Okay, we’re lying a bit since getting your credit report will not be completely free…it’ll cost you the price of one stamp. We’ve heard the complaint from many-a-folk that, after visiting either Equifax’s or TransUnion’s websites, they only saw paid options. While it’s true that there are reports you […]
How Not To Use A Payday Loan
Payday Loan | Payday loans are usually used for generic cash-flow issues between paycheques, right? We have covered some other uses of this short term financing option, such as emergencies, leveraging sale prices on big items and such. But there are some situations we’d never condone using a payday loan for. While a payday loan […]
The Worst Money Advice: Part 2
Last week, we shared three of the very worst piece of financial advice we’ve ever heard. However, they were all generally broad and we didn’t touch upon any specific kind of advice regarding investing, retirement and life planning. This week, we’ll cover three more “worsts” that are related to these types of financial moves. […]