Cash Store Financial Services Inc. Ordered to Repay Fees to Customers

It can sometimes get messy in the payday loan industry. For example, rewind to March 2010 when the Ontario Superior Court of Justice approved a settlement for members of a class action suit against Money Mart. Some had their outstanding debt forgiven, others had transaction credits allocated and others were given cash or cash credits. […]

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Free Shipping for Canadians – Infographic

No, we’re not jumping on the ridiculously early retail-Christmas bandwagon just yet with this delicious infographic. What we are doing, however, is serving up 6 different Canadian online retailers that offer free, or almost free shipping! We Canadians have it bad when it comes to certain novelties; cell phone bills, internet prices, taxes and shipping […]

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GoDay’s Payday Loan Officers Share Their Best Tips – Part II

Last week, we shared the first chunk of payday loan wisdom that was bequeathed to us from our amazing customer service team. We covered the basics, from what kind of customer we usually see, how the payday loan industry works and what the most common questions are. This week, we’re getting a bit more specific… Okay, most […]

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