Teaching Financial Literacy Early

Growing up, how did you learn about money and financial literacy? Was it something you wished you had been taught earlier? When it comes to financial literacy a lot of people believe in hands-on experiences and teaching themselves with their own finances. And what about teaching your kids about money matters? We’ve previously talked about […]

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Your 2016 Holiday Savings Guide

It’s that time of year. December is officially here; and this means all you we will all hear are Christmas carols in every retail store and flashy decorations in every window. So now that Black Friday and Cyber Monday have officially come and gone, it’s time to get ready for the holiday season and all […]

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November Is Financial Literacy Month

Did you know November is Financial Literacy month? The Financial Consumers Agency of Canada (FCAC) and the Financial Literacy Leader has helped to coordinate and increase collaboration between organizations from the private, public and non-profit sectors to promote financial literacy for Canadians of all ages. This means that t throughout November; everyone across Canada is […]

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Managing Joint Finances As A Married Couple

It is very common for couples to join their finances once they tie the knot. And after paying for the wedding, married couples enter a new financial challenge of merging expenses and managing budgets together. You now have two different people who were raised differently when it comes to money and personal money goals, joining […]

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